Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Motivates You?

I once asked one of my mentors why did he become an entrepreneur. "Why did you choose this industry to build your business in?" I expected him to tell me about his passion for the product, or maybe how he wanted to do his part to help others or some long, thoughtful explanation about his responsibility to the community. But his answer was none of that it was quite simple and to me, quite stunning. He stopped what he was doing looked me square in the eyes and said one word, "Greed." I was baffled. My mind raced, through every other explanation I had ever heard from any moderately successful entrepreneur and I could not recall ever hearing anything remotely similar given as a a reason for a person starting a successful business. "So you don't like doing this?" I asked "Not really, but I'm good at it and it allows me the freedom to do the things I do liketo do, like golf" he replied. In that moment I had a revelation. I had always believed (and still do to a certain extent) that being passionate about what you do what a necessary part of success, however the success of my mentor was proof to the contrary.

Looking back I still think that my mentor's success was an anomaly. I believe that in order for you to be a success you have to be properly motivated and the purest form of motivation is a genuine passion for what you do. If you hustle something you don't like, in a place you don't want to be, to people you don't want to know you can almost guarantee that it's not going to work. You have to LOVE it. If you don't LOVE your hustle, find a new one. If you can't find a hustle to LOVE, get a job. It's less stressful and pays better in most cases. But if you LOVE your hustle. If doing what you do is like breathing to you, DO IT AND DO IT WELL. Don't half-ass hustle there is no way you will become a FULL TIME MILLIONAIRE from a PART TIME HUSTLE.

You should treat all things in life that you are passionate about the same way. Be AGGRESSIVE, DECISIVE and DON'T STOP (till you get enough) sorry I couldn't resist.

-Keep on Hustlin'

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