Friday, September 18, 2009

Can't Knock The Hustle

I've been thinking. As I listen to Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and all the other talking heads spew invalid arguments about anything that our President's mouth I see their goal. Their only goal is profit. They know that the more reckless they talk, the more attention they will receive, more shows will have them on as guests and more people will tune in to their shows. The interesting thing here is that none of these people are interested in finding a solution to the health care problem, or any other problem for that matter they just want to profit of the controversy.

There are few calls for efforts to compromise or open dialog, instead people are coming to town hall meetings with mega phones and picket signs intent on turning what should be an informative session into a shouting match. I understand that not everyone agrees with the current plan for health care. I personally think that most people (myself included) don't have a complete understanding of the program. That being the case, people from the right are using the ignorance of the masses to rally them against something they don't understand. To quote Stevie Wonder "When you believe in things you don't understand you suffer." Unfortunately they aren't the ones suffering it's the President's approval rating and public opinion about health care reform.

But do you know who's not suffering? Right wing talk radio ratings. So that's that's the plan huh? Convince the people that the current plan is wrong (even though you don't have an alternative) then invite them to watch/listen to you complain. The people stay misinformed, your ratings go up and you get to laugh all the way to the bank. Can't knock the hustle....

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